Monday, March 17, 2014

Starry Safari Part 1

Okay! Well, there was a month long break between the second and third lesson, because Mrs. Quick was off-track for November. But now that December had come we are back on track! Now, that they know how to create a sentence we started talking about recognizing major and minor events in a story. When you put multiple sentences together they create a story and the story I used for today's lesson was called "Starry Safari". It's a cute book with really good action words. First I had the kids gather around and we had story time. Before I started I told the children to look for who the main character was and what the major and minor events were. I read through the book then I asked them what they found. The main character wasn't a problem for the to spot, but finding the major and minor events took some prompting. After that, we started putting movement to the story. The book was too long to put movement to every page, so I picked a few of the minor events that I thought had good movement potential. And of course, I kept the two major events as well. This book was really great to use, because it allowed the students to explore a variety of movement and timings. There was staccato movement, running, suddenly stops, shaping, moving quietly on a low level and more. The kids picked up on the movement really well and did a great job! :) They especially liked the ending. There is one part in the story that talks about a lion that is about to strike and that the main character need to SCARE HIM OFF BY ROARING BACK!!! So, I let the kids roar right there. To keep them from getting out of control I had a signal that they had to follow. I would stretch my right hand out in front of me signaling them to roar as loud as they could, then I would draw my hand back into a fist signaling them to stop. I also played with crescendos by slowly stretching my hand out in front. This was a fun little game in the middle of the story that kept their attention. That's where it ended for that day.

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